Philanthropy is a way of life

Create Connections

We are community conveners, philanthropic partners and a long-term resource for the people of Utah.

Give With Expertise

Our business is philanthropy. We use our own grantmaking experience to ensure your giving achieves your goals.

Make Every Dollar Count

Keep your money at home and put every dollar toward building a more vibrant community.


Explore the Possibilities 

$0M +
Granted since 2020
$0M +
Granted in 2023
Charitable Funds
Assets under Supervision

We Are Your Boots On The Ground

"Most of the time I feel like I'm their only donor" - Fundholder, Corby Dall

It is important to feel your legacy is in good hands. At the Community Foundation of Utah we connect with donors over shared values and interests, working toward a common goal: make the world a better place. We cultivate rich relationships with our fundholders based on the belief that we are all in this together. 


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